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How Internal Linking for SEO Paints Your Company's Picture
Derek Oss • Mar 08, 2024

As a small business owner, you wear many hats. Marketing is likely one of the most crucial, yet also one of the most daunting. You pour your heart and soul into creating a website that shows your products, services, and brand story, but how do you ensure people see it? That's where SEO (Search Engine Optimization) comes in, and internal linking is a powerful tool within that toolbox.

Diving into Internal Linking for SEO

Think of your website as a bustling city, with each page being a building with floors of valuable information. But without clear roads and signage, visitors get lost, frustrated, and leave. Internal linking acts as roads and signs, helping search engine crawlers and users discover and navigate your website, content, and message.

So, how exactly does internal linking paint your company's picture for SEO? Let's take a closer look at the key benefits:

1. Improved Website Navigation and UX

Imagine walking into a store with everything jumbled together. Frustrating, right? Internal linking creates a logical flow between your pages, guiding users on a journey through your website. By linking relevant articles, products, and services, you make it easier for your readers to find what they're looking for. This often increases your site’s engagement rates and reduces its bounce rates. This positive user experience signals to search engines that your website is valuable and user-friendly, gradually boosting your SEO ranking.

2. Distributed Link Equity and Boosted Ranking Power

Think of this link equity as "website authority scored by points." Authoritative pages (e.g., your homepage) have more of these points. Internal linking strategically shares this authority with other pages on your website. Like spreading jam on toast, the more links a page receives, the "jammier" (more authoritative) it becomes in the eyes of search engines. This improved perception can potentially improve your rankings for relevant keywords.

3. Highlighted Expertise and Built Topic Authority

Internal linking allows you to showcase your expertise in specific areas. By linking relevant articles and resources on a particular topic, you create a "cluster" of interconnected pages. This demonstrates your depth of knowledge and establishes yourself as a thought leader. Topical authority signals to search engines that your website is a valuable resource for users searching for specific information, making it more likely to appear in relevant search results.

4. Targeted Long-Tail Keywords and Captured Niche Audiences

Internal linking isn't just about linking high-authority pages. You can also target long-tail keywords, which are more specific and have lower competition. By linking relevant long-tail keyword-optimized pages within your website, you help search engines understand your content's specific focus and attract users searching for those niche terms. This can open doors to new audiences you might not have reached otherwise.

5. Enhanced Crawlability and Indexation

Search engines use bots called “crawlers” to index (record) your website and pages so they appear in relevant search results. Unsurprisingly, internal linking makes their job easier. By including relevant links throughout your website, you create clear pathways for them to discover and index all your valuable content. This ensures your entire website is visible to search engines and potential customers, maximizing your reach.

6. Control User Flow and Encourage Conversions

Strategic internal linking isn't just about SEO; it's about marketing too. By carefully choosing which pages to link to, you can subtly guide users toward specific actions (like subscribing to your newsletter, contacting you for a quote, or making a purchase). These strategic flows can significantly improve your website's conversion rate, turning website visitors into paying customers of your business.

Get Started with Internal Linking for SEO

Internal linking may seem like a technical detail, but its impact on your small business's SEO success is undeniable.

Here are some additional tips for getting started:

  • Use relevant anchor text: Don't just link with "click here." Use descriptive text that accurately reflects the linked page's content.
  • Link naturally: You can’t force links where they don't make sense. Focus on creating a smooth user experience.
  • Vary your link structure: Use a mix of internal links, including homepage links, contextual links within articles, and breadcrumb navigation.
  • Monitor and analyze: Track your website's performance and adjust your internal linking strategy as needed.

Ready to Paint Your Picture?

Remember, internal linking is an ongoing process, not a one-time fix. For further guidance and support, True North Technologies is here to help! Contact our team to learn about how we put more than just marketing into our crafted services. We cannot wait to hear about you and your journey, so reach out today!

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